Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Every morning when you read newspaper or when you listen news, what u read or hear is.. Recession is coming, Inflation is hitting the sky, everyday one more company is closing , more job loss.. everybody in the panic situation..everybody is looking for some miracle to stop this bad time before it reaches to us.

Being a real estate agent its not a very good news, how hard u try to convice buyer, that this is the golden time to buy a property when market is slow. Buyer has an advantage over the seller in many ways: 1.price - you can buy your dream home in much cheaper price than before 2. choice : more choice , since more listing in the market and less buyer 3.Interest rate: still a very low interest rate which is much afforadable if one is shopping for home.Bonus : Many builders are offering excellent intensive..

Well since market is slow I decide to do some door knocking to ease of some tention. So I bundled up in my warm clothes and started ..I knock on first door lady of the house opened the door and so me with suspiciously, I gave my flyer and told her who am I , oh ok than she said she is not ready to sell and what is the market price..she kept on talking about hundred and one thing and when I asked that would you like to receive a Newsletter from us ..oh no i am also real estate agent thank you very much but you need more training ,why dont you join my training school ..soon you will be earning big bucks ..I asked her than how come she is living in a semi detached house ..she slammed door on my face .. not a very good start I say. I try many door but most of them were not at home. Some of them were senior citizen , some were young citizen so i finished my door knocking without any sucess.

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