Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why 2013 has been a good year for GTA housing

Last December, many pundits were predicting a big housing slowdown in the GTA as an oversupply of condos in particular, rising interest rates and slowing demand put a dent in sales and prices.

By the end of September, 68,909 new and resale homes had changed hands in the GTA, 1,000 units less than the same period last year. But the first half of October was strong — about 20 per cent higher than a year ago. So, it seems that sales for the year will exceed 2012’s 82,200 units.
Average prices are also almost 5 per cent higher than a year ago and there are still bidding wars in many areas, because there are more buyers than listings.

People have been predicting the real estate market crash in the GTA for the past 13 years. It hasn’t happened yet and won’t happen next year either.

Here’s why this is happening:

1. Low interest rates: Despite the global crisis, financial and civil instability Canada remains an island of stability. Canadian economy will further boost as  economies in the U.S. and European Union continue to improve. Interest rates may rise a little over the coming year, but the moves are unlikely to have a serious impact on the market.

2. Canada’s appeal to immigrants: We continue to be the envy of the world when it comes to quality of life and the fact that so many cultures and communities can live in harmony. That is why more than 150,000 people come to Ontario each year, with the majority to the GTA. They have to live somewhere.

3. Low rental vacancy rates: The Toronto condo market has slowed somewhat, but prices haven’t crashed. The reason is that the vacancy rate for rental condominium units in downtown Toronto is 1.7 per cent. As a result, the average rent for a two-bedroom condominium is about $2,500, which is also the amount an investor needs to carry an average two-bedroom condominium, even if it costs $500,000. If you can carry your condo, you are in no rush to sell or lower your asking price.

Mark Weisleder a Real Estate lawyer thinks making a few changes in Rules and Regulation not only increase the affordability but it will further boost the market.

CMHC should lower their Insurance  premiums. The tighter mortgage rules announced by Ottawa a year ago mean fewer people are qualifying for new homes. Those who do qualify are much less likely to default on their mortgages. This means the CMHC is making more money because it is paying out fewer claims.

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